Louise Dany

Opening: Practicing Receptivity #2~ Open Casket by Dana Schutz (aka Michael Brown, aka Jet Magazine, aka Zong! Recording, aka 12 Years a Slave Edit aka A Brief Anthology of Quotations)

Apichaya Wanthiang, Johnny Herbert
  • 15:00

✰ AUG. 20 & 27
✰ SEPT. 10 & 17
Through four study groups that build on each other, we will look at images, poetry, sound and indeed also text to practice and examine our eyes, our mind, our language and our gut. How does abstraction make us feel? What is it in place of? How does it speak and who does it speak to? The intention is to encounter cultural production with heightened sensitivity.
✰ Contact ~louisedanyoslo@gmail.com~ for study materials in advance of each session ✰

Louise Dany


Contact details

Neuberggata 5A, 0367 Oslo
452 76 945